
Geriatric Counseling

The transitional period from middle age to old age is quite challenging for most individuals. While some may be able to enjoy this phase of life, it might be difficult for some others to cope with the difficulties that come along with this change. In Touch provides geriatric counselling to empower the senior community by helping them engage in activities, maintain independence and help them to remain active post retirement.

What You Will Get From Us

Geriatric physical therapy helps older adults regain the muscle strength, balance, and coordination needed to improve their ability to walk, their overall mobility and level of functioning, and their independence so they can perform everyday tasks.

  • Ability to perform daily activities
  • Fall risk assessments
  • Adaptive equipment recommendations
  • Guidance to family members and caregivers

Ensuring the wellness, balance, and growth of our clients and constantly working towards client satisfaction and achievement of their fullest potential.

Challenge and Solutions

Aging is a cycle in life. If a person is born, he/she will surely die on day. Aging is the proof of that. We born as a child, lived as a human and then again will die as a child.